Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is it really November?

The trees are changing colors, my plants are dying and I think we had some knocks at the door last Friday. I am still not convinced, because I swear we were just at swimming lessons a few weeks ago. The weather is not helping either with a high today of 72, surely not November weather for the Midwest. Is there any sign around that will truly convince me that it is November already? I don't see any. It is Election Day, I guess that will have to do. No, I do not have a motive with that statement, I am really indifferent right now when it comes to politics and rather choose not to discuss it.

I would much rather express my security in a Sovereign God, who has control and knows the end is near. He is my Rock! Forever in Him will I be, Forever glorify His name, Yahweh!

On the home education front we are not as busy as we should be but that is all going to change soon! I am finally getting my "new" curriculum. http://www.christiancottage.com/ We will be starting the first unit study book "In the Beginning: God". This will be a nice change of pace as we have up until this point been doing studies on whatever got our fancy, for example http://www.handsofachild.com/ . We are still finishing up our unit study and lap book for the science "What is Matter?". Today I will start in on that "management binder" I wrote about yesterday, can't wait!

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