The Orchestrated Collapse Of America
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
(Daniel 12:1-3)
And in his estate shall stand up a vile (unwanted) person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries (intrigue; fraud; conspiracy).
(Daniel 11:21)
This unwanted President was preceded by two other presidents mentioned in Daniel's prophecy; the first being his father who attacked the king of the south (Iraq), but did not overflow the country, neither was his position as president strengthened by the attack, because he was voted out by the people and did not have a second term.
And when he (George H.W. Bush) hath taken away the multitude (Iraqi Army), his heart shall be lifted up; and he shall cast down many ten thousands: but he shall not be strengthened by it. (Daniel 11:12)
As many of you can remember, after George H.W. Bush pushed the Iraqi army out of Kuwait, he ordered the cold blooded slaughter of the tens of thousands of Iraqi troops who were retreating back to Iraq. This was called a bloody massacre and the road of death, as seen in the pictures below.
Driving along the road to the Abdali-Safwan border crossings into Iraq, I stop on the road that was dubbed "The Highway of Death" just after the allies bombed it into obscurity during the first Gulf War in 1991. The destruction was unfathomable. The annihilation was inhumane. Iraqi solders and civilians were trying to leave Kuwait as a last ditch resort. They were trapped by America and the rest of the allied forces' promise to allow Iraqis to leave Kuwait without violence. The outcome, however, was nowhere close. Unrelenting aerial bombardment decimated entire convoys of Iraqi peoples trying to make it back into Iraq. The result was incineration of bodies, displacement of humanity, and an unnecessary massacre of hope.
ACTUAL TEXT FROM NEWS ARTICLE: Prior to the start of the ground phase, many countries were trying to dissuade the U.S. from attacking. Moscow came up with a peace plan that Bush called "a cruel hoax." Bush kept saying that the only objective was for Iraqi troops to leave Kuwait. When one reporter asked him how the Iraqis could retreat while they were still being heavily bombed, Bush answered, "That's for them to find out."On February 22, 1991, White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater played his own "cruel hoax." He stated, "The United States and its coalition partners reiterate that their forces will not attack retreating Iraqi forces.Despite all the efforts to bring a peaceful conclusion, none was accepted by the U.S. Saddam Hussein ordered a retreat of Iraqi troops from Kuwait on February 25, 1991. This order, with Fitzwater's earlier statement, appeared to be the beginning of the end of violence in Kuwait and Iraq.Bush looked at it another way. He now had his chance to slaughter TENS OF THOUSANDS of defenseless soldiers and one of the most barbaric massacres in history began.(Notice the same exact wording in this article as the prophecy regarding it. You will see this many times as Yahweh inspires secular writers to use certain prophetic statements as keys.)
On February 25, 1991, at a junction of roads leading from Kuwait City, U.S. Marine aircraft, flying close support for ground troops, arrived and saw a five-vehicle-wide stream moving on he highway out of Kuwait City. The vehicles were occupied by Iraqi military personnel (mostly unarmed) and civilians of many nationalities.The Marines allowed the vehicles to get out of the city and then laid down on aerial barrage of anti-armor mines across the road, making it impossible for the vehicles to move ahead. There were miles of vehicles and thousands of passengers that were not able to move. Kill zones were assigned to groups of eight aircraft sent into the target area every 15 minutes. According to Major General Royal N. Moore, commander of the Marine Air Wing 3, "It was like a turkey shoot until the weather turned sour."
Now read that verse of scripture again. It is like reading a summary account of the very same newspaper article:
And when he has taken away the multitude, his heart shall be lifted up; and he shall cast down many ten thousands: but he shall not be strengthened by it. (Daniel 11:12)
The next king of the north is called a raiser of taxes, in the glory of the kingdom. That is none other than Bill Clinton, who went down in history as a major raiser of taxes in America's glory days. In fact headlines read: Clinton Tax Highest on Record , Clinton Tax Hike Unprecedented .
The glory days of America are obviously now in the past, as we can now see by the current financial crisis, which is about to get unbelievably worse, thus Obama's presidency is not even mentioned in this prophecy, but what IS mentioned after the fall of the Bush presidency is, Then there shall be a time of trouble such as has not been since the beginning of man - The Great Tribulation Period. It begins with a total financial collapse of Babylon, which always precedes the total collapse of an empire or a nation.
For the past four years, not including the last six months, I was called to warn and to wake up "Christians" in America, that America was about to fall. Now we are in the midst of that fall, but still most do not realize the severity of what is going on with Wall Street, the 700 billion dollar rescue-bailout, which is actually nothing more than the final pillaging of a stiff-necked, hypocritical nation that calls itself a Christian nation, but bears the fruit of extreme paganism, and the beginning of the global collapse of the entire world's economy.
No, it isn't Yahweh doing this directly, but He is allowing these things as a judgment on America. The real culprits are the elite power brokers of Satan, playing their fiddles while Rome begins to burn, by the fires that they, themselves, have set, so they can rebuild a new world order from the ashes, while they put on a dog- and-pony show for the cameras, feigning total ignorance of how all this could have happened.
What few understand is that the world's economic system was not something that Yahweh created for Adam and Eve once they were thrown out of the Garden.
And thou shalt build up a place, and thou shalt call it, Wall Street, and through thy stock markets of Dow Jones and NASDAQ thou shalt either be enriched or made poor, but thou must haveth an evil economy based on usury and oppression of the poor. - (WTV) Wishful Thinkers Version
Yes, that is the version that most people would like to believe exists in capitalistic America, because it contains most of our wishful thinking views of Yahweh.
No, the current world economy was not instituted by Yahweh, and neither is it some entity that has a life of its own. It is a literal game created by a small group of demon possessed greedy and power hungry men that concocted this Great Money Scam, called stock markets, as well as the entire, greed and usury oriented, Satanic global economic system. It is the rich and powerful who invented it, it is their game and they can play and manipulate it any way they choose. They print the money and can cause an economy to go up or they can crash the whole thing at a whim, because the world economic system is not something that evolved from some random, uncontrollable big-bang, but from the mind of these demon-possessed, rich power brokers under the control of Satan. They are his governors of this world and its economy while under his final dispensation.
The entire world economy is now crashing. Why? Because they want it to crash! If they did not want it to crash --- it would not crash! Do you understand this? Great suffering of mankind will be the fruit of their manipulation, but these are heartless cretins, so demonically possessed that they actually do not care about anyone but themselves, though they feign compassion and concern for the American people with their toothy smiles and false show of concern. They know exactly what they are doing to the American people and what is in the works for the total destruction of America. These traitors would make Benedict Arnold look like a saint!
This message starts from a strange perspective, but will come right back to what the world is going through right now and just who is behind it, and I'll say this again, It is not going to get any better, but worse, more than most realize, because that is the plan. The concentration camps you have all heard about are not so that this government can incarcerate detractors from their evil plan, that is a ridiculous presumption, but pre-built for an invading army to use when they burn America with fire, as it is written in Revelation, to bring her to her knees and into subjection to the new world order and micro-chipped (mark of the beast) global economy. They are eating the woman's flesh (pillaging the country) then they shall burn her with fire it says in Revelation.
That is why we need Yahweh, and to be surrendered, obedient and full of faith to survive these very strange prophetic days that are upon us. This is why Yahweh warns us to come out of the Babylonian system or suffer its plagues.
Rise Of The Gnostics
Who are these power brokers that have the world under their hypgnosis, and why do I spell hypnosis like this? The power brokers of this world are nothing more than extremist-GNOSTICS! Are you surprised? Did you think that they were Christian or simply atheists? No, they indeed are a very religious bunch --- they are extremist Satanists, but do not dare call them that, because they believe that Yahweh is Satan, and that Lucifer is God. It is they who control this world and the world's organized and disorganized religious systems --- but they do not control, neither do they understand the One True God, Yahweh!
Grab the Word because here we go, on another God ordained journey down a different ugly rabbit hole.
Satanist? Come on, stop being in denial of the obvious, those of you who find this so hard to believe. Though this is supposed to be a so-called Christian nation, why is Washington deluged with statues and images of every false god known to man and not one paying homage to Yahshua? Why is there a phallic symbol called the Washington Monument?
Why is the false "Babylonian" goddess, Semiramis standing in new York Harbor with her torch raised high? Why is the republican logo showing three upside down Satanic stars? Why has the EU built their main headquarters to resemble the cursed Tower of Babel? The world leaders, including those in America, are Satan worshipers pure and simple!
It was obvious that Bush belonged to some clandestine secret society called Skull and Bones, which of course is an arm of the Gnostic-Luciferian-Masons, but Christian leaders, who are also Gnostic-Luciferians in disguise, promoted Bush to their unsuspecting followers who do not realize that their leaders are disciples of Satan in disguise, and assisting Satan to take control of America completely and set it up for events written in the Book of Revelation. Here you see a picture of 700 Club founder, Pat Robertson giving the Sign of the Craft, a Masonic-Luciferian hand gesture. He is far from alone, as Yahshua warned that many tares would creep into the churches in the last days for the purpose of deceiving the sheep, and so has been the case.
Like the vampire, Dracula, an example of Satanic forces, the son of perdition could not come into the house unless he was invited...and he was invited, by so-called born again Christians, living in fear, fear which caused them to drop all faith and instead trust in the arm of the flesh for revenge and blood-letting, and in so doing, they went into deep apostasy, fulfilling 2 Thessalonians:
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (4) Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God (the human body, not a building), shewing himself that he is God.
According to scripture, the son of perdition must be invited into the house (voted in), but without fallen away from the truth Christians voting him in (in which he depended), he would not be able to come upon the scene. That is why this scripture states, there must be a falling away from the teachings of Yahshua in order for the son of perdition to be invited in. As of this writing, he is still in, and just about out, but the effects of what he has done to not just America, but the entire world, are only starting to be realized. No man can reverse what has already been set in motion, and we have not seen the last of George W. Bush!
To Be Continued...
Hey Mama, I am eagerly awaiting more posts about this. I am trying to follow along here...
Many Blessings :)
Hey Ace,
Do you have an email I can send it, in its entirety? I am short on time for blogging right now but don't want to keep you waiting! ;) mine is teachingmy6 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
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